Retail Store
Since 1981 it has always been our focus to identify ourselves as a Full Service Meat Market while offering Quality Products and Quality Customer Service. The idea that a big box grocery store can open boxes and place pre-packed meat packages on a shelf and call them selves a meat market falls short of our expectations. At the Bellville Meat Market we source all of our beef locally and pride ourselves in the fact that we still merchandise or beef cuts from hanging beef quarters. We always have a “butcher on duty” to custom cut any portion or cut the customer needs. Along with fresh beef we also have a generous offering of both fresh pork and poultry products.
Fresh Beef
Our fresh Beef is sourced and merchandised from locally grown beef. We “Always Have a Butcher on Duty” to custom cut any portion you wish.
Fresh Ground Beef
Ground daily, most days multiple times daily, our fresh ground beef is always prepared from fresh boneless trim.
Fresh Pork
Our merchandised pork products are always fresh. From the hickory smoked bacon to fresh cut pork chops from whole pork loins.